BGCI Education Blog

We've set up this blog to talk about education, the environment, plants, the universe... oh yes, and botanic gardens. You can join in by leaving comments and signing up for email updates.

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

welcome to our blog

Sarah D - the BGCI website guru tells me that the education blog was one of the most popular links from her fabulous newsletter - Cultivate. This means that there must be a whole bunch of new people reading the education blog - welcome! Cultivate also has its own blog now - so you can easily stay updated

The Flower Power blog has been a bit of an experiment, which to be honest Julia and I are still getting to grips with, but it has been great receiving a few comments and suggestions from readers. We really want this to provide an interactive tool - a way that BGCI members and supporters can find out a bit more about what the education department does and most importantly become involved.

So, we want to hear from you! Do send any comments or suggestions in - they can then be published on the blog for other users to read and we can get some good discussions going. What projects are you working on at the moment? have you found any great new resources? What new developments are there in your garden? Let us know and we can share it and discuss it- building a stronger and more effective community for plant conservation.

Oh, and if you subscribe to the blog (use the links on the right), it will send you updates automatically every month, so you don't have to keep checking in case you have missed something!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi friends!

I agree with you!... but please, dpn´t forget the Spanish speaker people...
It would be great if sometimes post notes in Spanish

